Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ummah's Role as a Teacher

The Prophet took every opportunity to emphasize the importance of the teaching role of the Muslim community and to stress some important fine touches which every good teacher has to acquire.
Consider the following Hadith: “Teach others, make things easy, not difficult. When any of you is in a state of anger, let him keep silent.” (Related by Al-Bukhari in Al Adab Al Mufrad and by Ahmad).
The final part of the Hadith speaks of the need to exercise self-control in case of anger. A teacher must never allow his anger to get the better of him. If he does, he is bound to regret whatever he does in a flight of anger. The most important characteristics of man is to exercise choice between alternatives whenever he has to make an important decision. If he allows his anger to impair his judgement, then he actually forgoes the privilege of free choice. Moreover, allowing anger to get the better of oneself is highly unbecoming of a teacher. If it does not suit a teacher of mankind, whose subject is divine guidance.
The Holy Prophet (Pbuh) asked his followers to keep silent when possessed with anger. This is the best way to control the self


Menyebut berkenaan marah Hamka di dalam bukunya yang berjudul Tasauf moden mengatakan bahawa kemarahan itu sesuatu yang perlu ada bagi manusia kerana tanpa marah manusia akan hilang daya pertahanan. Kemarahan adalah menjadi sebab wujudnya sensitiviti terhadap sesuatu perkara. Tanpa sifat marah, maka seseorang manusia itu tidak ubah seperti makhluk yang tidak bernyawa.

Perasaan marah adalah penting terutama bagi pelajar kerana marah merupakan satu perasaan yang mampu untuk mencegah kemungkaran. Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bersabda mafhummya barangsiapa melihat kemungkaran dia hendaklah mencegah dengan tangan (kuasa), jika tidak mampu hendaklah dia mencegah dengan mulut dan jika dia tidak mampu dia hendaklah mencegah dengan hati dan sesungguhnya mencegah dengan hati itu adalah paling lemah imamnya. Maksud mencegah dengan hati bukan dengan membenci sesorang itu yang melakukan kemungkaran tetapi marah kepada diri sendiri kerana tidak mampu untuk mencegah kemungkaran tersebut.
Menurut Imam Ghazali, kemarahan manusia bermacam-macam. Sesetengahnya marah, lekas tenang dan lekas hilang. Sesetengahnya pula, lambat untuk marah dan lekas pula hilangnya. Yang terakhir itulah yang terpuji.

Dalam hal ini, ahli tasauf Islam menerangkan bahawa marah itu terpuji hanya dalam dua perkara saja iaitu marah mempertahankan kehormatan dan marah mempertahankan agama.

Dalam soal mempertahankan maruah agama pula, begitu juga halnya. Rasulullah S.A.W pernah memuji sahabatnya-sahabatnya kerana sifat mereka yang sangat keras terhadap orang yang ingkar terhadap suruhan Allah di samping sangat berkasih-kasihan di antara sesama mereka. Perkara ini dijelaskan di dalam sabda Rasulullah S.A.W, ‘’Yang sebaik-baik umatku ialah yang sikapnya keras di dalam menjalankan hukum agama.” Dalam menjalankan hukum Islam terhadap orang yang bersalah, di dalam Al-quran ada mengingatkan kita, “Jangan kenal kasihan di dalam menjalankan hukum Allah.”

Bagi seorang muslim, kemarahan yang hadir itu hendaklah terbit dari hati yang ikhlas dalam merperjuangkan agama Allah supaya nafsu tidak mengambilalih peranan akal dalam mengendali sifat marah tersebut. Kata Hamka, “Marah kerana diri menutup keadilan dan marah kerana agama mencari keadilan”. Hujah ini turut dikuatkan lagi dalam sebuah kisah yang berlaku kepada Saidina Ali di dalam sebuah peperangan. Beliau yang hampir berjaya membunuh seorang lawannya dalam peperangan, melepaskan musuh tersebut semata-mata kerana musuh tersebut telah meludah ke mukanya sebelum sempat tikaman pedang Saidina Ali mengenai musuh tersebut. Beliau bimbang andainya sewaktu membunuh musuh tersebut, rasa marah kerana dirinya diludah mengatasai rasa marah kerana agama.

Ganjaran orang yang bersabar menahan marah

عَن اَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِىَ اللهُ عَنْهُ أَنَّ رَجُلاً قَالَ لِلنَّبِي صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَوْصِنِيْ, قَالَ: لاَ تَغْضَبْ . فَرَدَّدَ مِرَارَا, قَالَ: لاَ تَغْضَبْ.
( رواه البخاري )

Daripada Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu 'anhu bahawa ada seorang lelaki (Abu Darda) telah berkata kepada Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam: “ Berikanlah aku nasihat,”. Baginda bersabda: “Jangan marah”. Maka orang itu mengulangi permintaannya beberapa kali, Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam menjawab: “Jangan marah”.
(Hadith riwayat al-Bukhari)

Dalam hadith di atas, Imam At-Thabari meriwayatkan darinya, aku berkata (Abu Darda): “Ya Rasulullah, tunjukkanlah kepadaku satu amalan yang akan memasukkanku ke dalam syurga?’.Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam menjawab: “Janganlah marah, nescaya kamu akan masuk ke dalam syurga”. Lalu aku mengulanginya soalan yang sama beberapa kali dan semua jawapannya adalah: “Jangan marah “.

Atasi Marah (Cara Islam)

Marah apabila tidak dibendung maka akan membawa perkara yg diluar batasan. Jadi Islam mengajar untuk menahan marah seperti berikut:


Melatih diri untuk bersifat baik dan positif seperti lemah lembut, baik hati, sabar, tenang dalam menghadapi apa-apa situasi.

Hendaklah seseorang itu menguatkan jiwanya ketika mana dia hendak marah, kemudian ingat tentang akibat buruk marah dan mengingati kelebihan orang yang menahan marah dan memaafkan kesalahan orang lain.

Meminta perlindungan kepada Allah Ta’ala daripada syaitan yg direjam.
Nabi SAW bersabda maksudnya:
”sesungguhnya aku mengetahui satu kalimah kalaulah kalimah tersebut diucapkan oleh org yg marah itu nescaya akan hilang kemarahannya iaitu aku berlindung dgn Allah Ta’ala daripada syaitan yang direjam”
(hadith riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Orang yg marah hendaklah mengubah kedudukannya dari berdiri kepada duduk, apabila kedudukan seseorang yg marah itu berdiri maka memudahkan dia untuk mengambil tindakan atas amarahnya.
Nabi SAW bersabda maksudnya:
”apabila seseorang kamu marah dalam keadaan berdiri hendaklah dia duduk, jika masih tidak hilang kemarahannya hendaklah dia berbaring secara mengiring” (Hadith riwayat Ahmad & Abu Daud)


Tidak berkata-kata kerana kata-kata boleh menambahkan kemarahan dan kata-kata yg telah dilafazkan membuatkan timbul rasa penyesalan ketika perasaan marah telah reda.
Nabi SAW bersabda maksudnya:
”apabila seseorang kamu marah hendaklah dia diam
“Nabi saw mengucapkannya 3 kali” (Hadith riwayat Ahmad, Tarmizi & Abu Daud)


Berwudhuk, di mana kemarahan datang daripada syaitan yang dicipta daripada api. maka yg demikian, yang dpt memadamkn api adalah air yg dapat diperolehi daripada berwudhuk demikian dgn izin Allah dapat meredakan kemarahan
Nabi SAW bersabda maksudnya:
“sesungguhnya kemarahan adalah daripada syaitan dan syaitan dicipta daripada api, apabila salah seorang kamu marah maka hendaklah dia berwudhuk” (Hadith riwayat Ahmad & Abu Daud)

If you kick a stone in anger, you'll hurt your own foot. ~Korean Proverb

Not the fastest horse can catch a word spoken in anger. ~Chinese Proverb

Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.
~Albert Einstein

Anger: the impact

Anger many give disadvantages to all people especially to students. Anger affects the person who is angry as well as all the people who are touched by that person's anger. An angry person is likely to speak harshly and utter obscenities. In addition, anger affects a person's health. Doctors have discussed the relationship of anger to physiological complications such as thrombosis and high blood pressure. An angry person may also cause both psychological and physical damage to himself or herself as well as his/her family. Sometimes angry people hurt themselves if they are unable or out of reach of the people at whom they want to direct their anger. At other times, angry people may physically hurt their children, their spouse, or other people. A high proportion of the pronouncements of divorce occur when people are angry.

What happens to us physiologically when we are angry?

The external expression of anger can be found in facial expressions, body language, physiological responses, and at times in public acts of aggression. The facial expression and body language are as follows.
The facial and skeletal musculatures are strongly affected by anger. The face becomes flushed, and the brow muscles move inward and downward, fixing a hard stare on the target. The nostrils flare, and the jaw tends toward clenching. This is an innate pattern of facial expression that can be observed in toddlers. Tension in the skeletal musculature, including rising of the arms and adopting a squared-off stance, are preparatory actions for attack and defence. The muscle tension provides a sense of strength and self-assurance. An impulse to strike out accompanies this subjective feeling of potency.
Physiological responses to anger include an increase in the heart rate, preparing the person to move, and increase of the blood flow to the hands, preparing them to strike. Perspiration increases (particularly when the anger is intense). This is a direct effect of excessive adrenalin in our system. Our physical strength increases although spiritual strength decreases.
Our intellect or power to reason disappears, and things we would not justify in a normal state become acceptable

Sunday, August 16, 2009

“If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size?”
Sydney J. Harris

“I would rather players get angry when they're dropped than take it lying down.”
David Graveney

“When I am angry I can pray well and preach well.”
Martin Luther

Types of Anger

Anger is viewed as a form of sexual reaction and healthy response that has evolved to enable people to deal with threats. Three types of anger are recognized by psychologists: The first form of anger, named "hasty and sudden anger" by Joseph Butler, an 18th century English bishop, is connected to the impulse for self-preservation. It is shared between humans and non-human animals and occurs when tormented or trapped. The second type of anger is named "settled and deliberate" anger and is a reaction to perceived deliberate harm or unfair treatment by others. These two forms of anger are episodic. The third type of anger is however dispositional and is related more to character traits than to instincts or cognitions. Irritability, sullenness and churlishness postures are examples of the last form of anger.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Anger and Islam

Anger is a secret weapon of man towards of evils but sometimes its result’s in the destruction of many noble qualities. It snatches away the wisdom of man and thus he becomes a brute beast devoid of any sense.
Anger is a temptation of satan and deception of satan.
Anger is the root of all evils.
Anger is a spark of fire that are always bursting.
Anger is a very bad condition that weakens the person Iman (FAITH)
The meaning of anger is a rage fierce, displeasure, passion excited by a sense of wrong , physical pain, inflammation, mad, hot tempered, choleric, inflamed, A violent passion excited by real or supposed injury.
Anger is the strong feeling caused by extreme displeasure.
Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure and hostility.

During anger, one can physically or verbally abuse a person that he or she loves, hurt another living being like an animal, or during the dejection phase of anger, one can even hurt him- or herself and even commit suicide. Prophet Mohammad gave us the medicine for that saying:

"Shake hands and rancour will disappear. Give gifts to each other and love each other and enmity will disappear".

Also Prophet Mohammad said:

"A strong person is not the person who throws his adversaries to the ground. A strong person is the one who contains himself when he is angry".