Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ummah's Role as a Teacher

The Prophet took every opportunity to emphasize the importance of the teaching role of the Muslim community and to stress some important fine touches which every good teacher has to acquire.
Consider the following Hadith: “Teach others, make things easy, not difficult. When any of you is in a state of anger, let him keep silent.” (Related by Al-Bukhari in Al Adab Al Mufrad and by Ahmad).
The final part of the Hadith speaks of the need to exercise self-control in case of anger. A teacher must never allow his anger to get the better of him. If he does, he is bound to regret whatever he does in a flight of anger. The most important characteristics of man is to exercise choice between alternatives whenever he has to make an important decision. If he allows his anger to impair his judgement, then he actually forgoes the privilege of free choice. Moreover, allowing anger to get the better of oneself is highly unbecoming of a teacher. If it does not suit a teacher of mankind, whose subject is divine guidance.
The Holy Prophet (Pbuh) asked his followers to keep silent when possessed with anger. This is the best way to control the self